[Req][Pub] Model change request

This topic can be used to request a device model change to Things5.

Request Topic and Payload


The model_change topic allows the device to reassign to a new device model through the MQTT protocol.
This is suitable when a generic device/gateway is manufactured and needs to be assigned later (i.e. in the assembly line) to the final machine model using the provided serial number.

Note that:

  • the new machine model requires that a firmware version is set to "Main" in Things5;
  • you can only reassign devices within the same tenant/organization. Cross-organization linking is not allowed.
  • There is a map of allowed model change request. The machine model must be communicated to VISUP before using this request. In the future the admin will be able to update the map by himself.

Payload Representation

  "request_id": "random UUID generated by device",
  "machine_model_id": "95f5a8fd-6a2d-42e8-b425-bc9a0c403719"
request_ida random UUID created by the device
machine_model_idthe machine model id the device is going to be associated with
machine_model_customer_idoptional. This provides an alternative option to machine_model_id in order to specify the model identifier notation being used by the customer.
Warning: this needs to be associated in Things5 with the corresponding T5 model.